Ziua Internationala a Fericirii

20 martie 2013

Dupa cum spune si titlul, astazi este Ziua Internationala a Fericirii!
Zambiti, traiti, lasati soarele sa va patrunda in suflet si creati-va propria fericire!
Va doresc o zi minunata!

How to be happy
- Rules -

"There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved"

1. Try and fait, but don't fail to try

2. Be contented of what you have

3. Smile

4. Give yourself a rest

5. Make the best out of everything

6. Follow your heart

7. Trust God

8. Forgive and forget

9. Read a book

10. Laugh

11. Be yourself

12. Let your imagination be the limit

13. Life as if it is the end of the world

14. Love someone but save something for yourself

15. Keep calm and carry on

16. Let other people help you

17. Eat some ice cream

18. Learn how to be independent

19.  Count the good things, not the bad ones

20. Buy new shoes

21. Buy new clothes

22. Belive that life is beautiful, your belief will help create a fact

23. Be creative

24. Listen to music

25. Belive that you're beautiful

26. Free your heart from hatred

27. When someone happens to you good or bad, consider what it means

28. It's better to lose your pride to the one you love, than to lose the one you love because of pride

29. Expect less

30. Never abandon an old friend. You will never find one who can take his place

31. If you love someone just tell them

32. Be who you want to be, not what others want you to be

33. No lies, just love

34. Challenge yourself

35. Don't understimate yourself or your power to change your life

36. Hug your pet

37. Pray. It workes

38. Doing your best is more important than being the best

39. Do not regret what you have done

40. Stop wishing. Start working

41. Don't hide your tears. It's okay to be sad sometimes

42. Be original

43. Know what you desire but more importantly, why you desire it

44. Know when you've reached an end quit, give up, but do it with courage. Giving up is not failing, it is the chance to start again

45. Do everything that your heart tells you to

46. Do not to unto others what you don't want others to unto you

47. Do something nice for yourself

48. When something goes wrong try to figure out a solution instead of wallowing in self pity

49. Understand that you deserve happiness

50. If you like a thing, enjoy it

51. If you don't like a thing, avoid it

52. If you don't like a thing, and can't avoid it, change it

53. If you don't like a thing, and can't avoid it, can't or will not change it, accept it

54. You accept a thing by changing your attitude towards it

55. Stop comparing yourself to others

56. Listen more than you speak

57. Don't judge other people, only God can

58. Respect yourself

59. Give people more than they expect

60. Don't let a stupid dispute ruin a great friendship

61. Have a goal in life, for this will give you motivation and energy

62. Take life as it comes, and accept the bitter and the sweet

63. Live in the present with no regret from the past and no anxiety for tomorrow

64. Think hard about any action or decision, and do not blame anyone for you decision and its consequences

65. Strive to make other happy, so that, you'll benefit from the atmosphere

66. Remember that you are too Blessed to be Stressed

67. Never go to sleep with an argument unsettled

68. Give more and demand less

69. Define your own happiness

70. Belive in magic

71. Leave the past behind

72. Play and have fun

73. Learn to find pleasure in simple things

74. Make the best out of your circumstances, no one has everything but everyone has something

75. Don't take yourself too seriously

76. Since hate poisons the soul, do not cherish jealousy, avoid people who make you unhappy

77. Do what you can for those less fortunate than you

78. Spend some time alone

79. Never lose hope

80. Face your fears and learn form your failures

81. Don't be afraid to be different

82. Belive and act as if it is impossible to fail

83. Learn from water: adjust yourself in every situation

84. Don't try to be a perfectionist

85. Live for today, dream for tomorrow

86. Don't make decisions when you're angry

87. Don't make promises when you're angry

88. Don't stop your curiosity

89. Stay strong

90. Keep your feet on the ground

91. Give yourself permission to move forward

92. Remember: you are not alone

93. Life isn't about surviving the storm, but learning to dance in the rain

94. Be grateful and appeciate what you have

95. Love yourself. Accept yourself. Be yourself

96. Have faith

97. Let the haters hate

98. Cherish every moment

98. Don't recycle the past

98. Live it, learn it and love it

99. Think about the idea of karma

100. Have faith in yourself

101. Prove that those negative thoughts are wrong

102. Ignore people who think they know more about you than you do

103. Learn to let go the past events

104. Don't make big expectations gor your future

105. Be the change you want to see

106. Keep trying

107. Stick up for yourself

108. Smile and relax

109. Don't hang onto the past

110. Have a good cry

111. Ignore worthless comments

112. Accept that it happened

113. Understand that the best revenge for your enemies is to live a successful and happy life

114. Learn from your past

115. Follow your own style

116. Motivate yourself to quit looking back

117. Forgive yourself

118. Listen to critics but don't let them bring you down

119. Get started

120. Appreciate your friends

121. Honesty

122. Find your reality

123. Keep an open mind

124. Never argue

125. Never fear anything except God

126. Be confident with who you really are

127. Give yourself a compliment everyday

128. Don't take your anger out on someone else

129. Wake up with a smile in your face

130. Find purpose in life

131. Remember that being you, is enough

132. Live in the present moment

133. Laugh at yourself

134. Say what you mean and mean what you say

135. Say "I love you" to someone you love

136. Overcome your social fear

137. Repair broken friendships

138. Admit that you are not perfect and you have areas in your life that needs improvement

139. Life is too short, if you want to do something, do it!

140. Enjoy feeling proud

141. Never over analyze things

142. Accept others for who they are

143. Be honest with yourself

144. Follow your heart and soul

145. Avoid fixating on the past and not letting yourself grow

146. Accept the fact that opinions about you will differ

147. Know when enough is enough

148. Change your thinking

149. Keep a journal

150. Don't let the small stuffs bug you

151. Don't cry to keep up with others

152. Learn to say no

153. Be a shoulder to lean on for your friends

154. Make happiness a priority

155. Learn to like and ideally love yourself

156. Work on it if you think the person insulting you has a point

157. Be comfortable with who you are

158. Look on the inside

159. Remember that it is your life to live

160. Think about good memories

161. Accept failure

162. Stand up for what you believe in

163. Belive in yourself

164. Be with others

165. Accept others

166. Anticipate tomorrow

167. Remember that the most important things in life are not things

168. Ignore the voice in your head or the ones who put you down

169. Separate the goods from the bads

170. Understand that the past dores not equal to the future

171. Love everyone

172. Be spontaneous

173. Enjoy yourself

174. Accept the circumstances

175. Realize that we all get lonely

176. Recognize what you have learned or gained

177. Have self belief

178. Be the bestfriend of yours

179. Don't expect anything from anyone

180. Take action

181. Learn how to love

182. Remember that you and you alone are responsible for your life

183. Live your life for you, not anyone else

184. Remember that you are a human being and have tons of potential

185. Do, not try

186. Stop trying to save the world

187. Do not be hostile

188. Inspire yourself

189. Never ever give up!

190. Make each day count

191. Make youself feel good

192. Give others compliment

193. Don't sweat the small stuff

194. Make sure others treat you well

195. Stay calm

196. Just because something makes other people happy, it doesn't mean that it really does

197. Understand that not everyone are out there to judge you

198. Thing about what it is you really are afraid of

199. Remember that being happy all the time is not just impossible but also unrealistic

200. Don't concentrate too much on yourself

201. Remember that there is no "normal" human being

202. Remember that happy people are not always happy

203. Realize that being a part of your family is important

204. Allow peace to enter your being

205. Never think that you are lonely

206. Recognize your insecurities

207. Take out your anger

208. Remind yourself that you are unique and one of a kind

209. Take the days just one at a time

210. Remind yourself that within you is so many answers

211. Understand, have courage, be strong

212. Remember that you'll make it through whatever comes along

213. Remind yourself that there are so many dreams waiting to be realized

214. Remind yourself that decisions are too important to leave to chance

215. Do not put limits on yourself

216. Live a life of serenity, not regrets

217. Do ordinary things in an extraordinary way

218. Remind yourself that friendship is a wise investment

219. Take time to wish upon a star

220. Reach for your peak, your goal, your prize

221. Remember that it is never too late

222. Don't expect any changes you make to work overnight

223. Do what makes you happy

224. Start small and work you way up

225. Remind yourself that your presence is a present to the world

226. Don't stop yourself from feeling the joy

227. Think happy

228. Be happy to be successful

229. Get in touch with your dreams

230. Be productive

231. Sprinkle simple pleasures throughout your day

232. Try to trust the world again

233. Remember that you have the right to be happy

234. Give lots of compliments

235. Imagine yourself being succesful

236. Find the purpose or goal of your life

237. Remember that simplicity says it all

238. Always think positive

239. Admit that there are problems

240. Appreciate your friends

241. Focus your imagination and efforts on becoming that new happy person

242. Create your life from within

243. Smile at strangers

244. Replace negative thoughts with positive ones

245. Be passionate about your life

246. Don't react

247. Belive that each moment is perfect regardless of that happens later

248. Sieze every opportunity you have rather than regretting it later

249. Keep your sense of humor

250. Believe that you are in charge of your destiny

251. Make yourself your own boss

252. Don't blame anyone for where you are now

253. Go out and experience challenges

254. Understand the concept of acceptance

255. Do things that scare you

256. Forget the idea of having to please others

257. Motivate yourself

258. Stay calm and cool headed

259. Let failure fuel and fear you in a positive way

260. Simplify the problem or challenge you are facing

261. Maintain being positive and confident

262. Think the best, not the worst

263. Learn from watching professional sports

264. Do something crazy

265. Look at your body parts and accept each part

266. Use the words "I will" rather that "I'll try"

267. Avoid using negative labels for yourself

268. Quit thinking and saying that you are going to fail

269. Look at photos of happy times

270. Remember that there is no way to happiness, happiness is the way

271. Choose happiness

272. Be greatful to have nothing

273. Shift your focus

274. Develop on realistic goals and start working on achieving them

275. Allow yourself time and space to concentrate

276. Do something positive for someone else

277. Reflect on your effort and hardwork

278. Remember that encouragement is important

279. Make a resolution

280. Remember that nothing in life is permanent

281. Think about how much better off you are than some people

282. Reflect on past achievements

283. Explore your stengths

284. Explore your weaknesses

285. Make sure you're honest with yourself

286. Do new things

287. Remember that you are beautiful

288. Learn from your mistakes, but leave them behind you

289. Decide every morning that you are in a good mood

290. Choose to have a positive attitude even in the face of difficulties

291. Be grateful for the good things you have

292. Have faith in what life brings

293. Remember that life is short

294.Be generous

295. Practice gratitude

296. Focus on happiness

297. Purpose in your heart to be a happy person

298. Choose your friends wisely

299. Don't confuse joy with happiness

300. Don't worry too much about the future

301. Do more of whatever it is you like doing

302. Be sad

303. Delete the toxic people in your life

304. Do things that terrify you

305. Recognize that being happy is a conscious deicison

306. Leave the past behind

307. Pick up a hobby

308. Tone down the social media

309. Stop thinking about what others think about you

310. Meet new people

311. Find a quiet place to clear your mind

312. Someties it's ok if the only thing you did today is to breathe

313. If you  can't accept failing, you cannot succeed

314. You have no right to wish for more until you fully appreciate what you already have

315. Feel like a kid

316. Take a step

317. Stetch yourself

318. Make a contribution

319. Notice what's right

320. Spend time with your friends

321. Savor the moment

322. Pursue your goals

323. Put on a happy face

324. Find you calling

325. Get into the flow

326. Don't over do it

327. Play to your strenghts

328. Realize that anything worth doing is worth doing badly

329. Don't insist for the best

330. Thank someone

331. Tell yourself a story with a happy ending

332. Dream about what you want

333. Do a good deed

334. Be true to yourself

335. Do not take anything personally

336. Find the beauty in everything

337. Let the little things go and remember that most things are little

338. Pay attention to your need and pamper yourself

339. The more you see beauty, the more beautiful you become

340. Your ability to receive is equally important to your ability to give

341. You should take a vacantion from worries

342. The woods would be very silent if no birds sang, except those that sang the best

343. Remember that hope never leaves

344. You cand let loose!

345. Remember that each day is a day in the making

346. The world is as good as you see it is

347. You can live in assurance and calm

348. Do what you love and do it often

349. If you are looking for the love of your life; stop

350. Stop over analyzing

351. Open your mind, arms and heart

352. Share your insipiring dream to others

353. Travel often

354. Life is about the people you meet and the things you create with the them

Sursa: http://bit.ly/WGLFJq

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