Dupa o lunga absenta de pe blog ...

12 decembrie 2012

...revin. Da, pentru ca imi era dor sa impartasesc gandurile cu cititorii mei.
Imi cer mii de scuze ca nu am mai postat, dar am fost ocupata cu liceul, am cunoscut o persoana care mi-a schimbat total viata si multe alte lucruri pe care am sa vi le povestesc in alte postari.
Deocamdata, am sa va dau raspunsurile la "dorintele" pe care le aveam in plan sa mi le indeplinesc anul acesta. Pe unele mi le-am putut indeplini, pe altele, din pacate, nu!

To spend a night at the beach - No

Go to concert - No

Buy make up - Yes

Laugh until i cry - No

Haircut - Yes

Become close with my parents - No

Become less shy - Yes

To have fun without any regrets - Yes

Read more books - No

Buy an expensive camera - No

Go to the beach - No

Buy pretty clothes - Yes

Graduate - Yes

Buy a pair of gorgeous heels - Yes

Watch the sunrise at the beach - No

Live my dreams - Yes

Find myself - Somewhat

Feel beauty in my own skin - Somewhat

Give back - Yes

Have fun - Yes

Travel - Yes

Don't let anyone influence me - Somewhat

Not disappoint anyone - No

To forgive and forgot - Just forgive

Stay happy - Somewhat

Appreciate the little things - Yes

Grow my hair - Yes

To get over my fears - Yes

To find the perfect guy - Yes

To be kissed in the rain - Yes

Be happy and truly enjoy life - Somewhat

To find true friends - Yes


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